Cómo usar el collar de vibración para entrenar al perro: consejos antes de comenzar


Are you sick to death of your pooch exhibiting all sorts of undesirable behavior? Do you want to learn how to use a vibration collar to train your dog out of these bad habits? Have you tried just about everything else and don’t know where else to turn?

Well, you are in the right place, for today we will be showing you a step-by-step guide on how to train your dog with a vibration collar!

Cómo utilizar un collar vibratorio para entrenar a un perro

tabla de contenidos

Step 1: Familiarize the Dog with the Collar

In dog training, one of the central tenets is to ensure that you are introducing anything to the dog with care and attention to pacing. To introduce something suddenly and without warning is to startle a dog and perhaps to warn off it for good. A shock collar is no exception.

  • Keep the collar with you at all times, allowing the dog to sniff and taste it (though no chewing).
  • Keep it with the toys and rub it into something the dog is familiar with so it can get to know the scent.
  • Use plenty of treats meanwhile to encourage the dog to accept it.
  • Once you have got the dog familiar with it, make sure you learn how to adjust a dog collar properly.

Step 2: Let the Collar Stay Without Correction

After you have applied the collar to your dog’s neck, ensure that you don’t use the vibrating dog collar to train dogs for a couple of days so the dog can forget about it.

One of the key mistakes of some owners who use shock collars is to use the vibrating collar straight away, thereby causing the dog to associate the unwanted behavior of the collar with the collar itself.

Step 3: Waiting for the Right Moment

In order to correct a dog’s behavior through positive reinforcement, you have to ensure that you are using the collar at the right moment. Related to the previous point, this is also another major mishap of those training dogs, as you can easily pick the wrong moment and thereby ruin the use of the collar in its entirety.

Engage the collar at the precise moment that the dog exhibits the bad behavior and do so until the behavior stops and the dog should get the idea.

Cómo utilizar un collar vibratorio para entrenar a un perro

Step 4: Knowing the Collar

At this point, it would probably be useful to get to know the collar a little better if you hadn’t already before. Most collars come with three central features consisting of beeping, vibration, and shocking, so make sure you know how they work before putting them to use.

You can do this by reading through the manual, getting accustomed to all of the various vibration levels on the collar (beginning with the basic level and gradually moving up), and checking the intensity of the various levels on yourself first.

If, like me, you are not so fond of the shock aspect, you can turn your collars into vibration collars by using a plastic cover to obstruct the prongs and stop the transmission of current to the dog’s skin. It might also be worth asking when a dog is old enough for a shock collar de todos modos.

Step 5: Correction

Now you have an idea of how the collar works and how the dog responds to it, you can proceed to train your dog properly.

Keep a keen eye out for the behaviors you want to correct and act when you see them, pressing the button for vibration exactly when the behavior is being exhibited.

Step 6: Repeat for a Few Days

One of the most important parts of training methods for dogs is that it is very much a process – dogs, much like humans, learn by repetition and association, so you will need to repeat this for at least a small while. This is the same for deaf dogs and dogs that can hear.

A dog will never learn what you want to convey in a single day – you must repeatedly convey it to its subconscious and impart an association in their minds.

Ideally, a dog’s temperament means that after a few days of vibrating their naughtiness should help in stopping unwanted behaviors like this.

Step 7: Positive Reinforcement

Of course, you shouldn’t be relying on the dog training collar to do all the work. Instead, you should also build on the connection you already have with your dog.

Encouraging your dog with treats, love, and anything else it likes will complement the learning it is making with the remote control collar.

Ensure that you are only vibrating the dog collar when the dog is in need of correction, then wait for things to become normal again, feeding the dog the treats at the right moment.

Step 8: Waiting for Results

As already elucidated above, results are never going to be immediate – a dog needs to learn by association over a period of time. Usually, this will only be a few days, though this can vary depending on the temperament of your dog.

You will need to adapt your training regimen to the specific temperament of your dog – all dogs are different in their own way, and though many follow similar cues, it is important to treat them on an individual basis.

Step 9: No Punishment

At this point, it is incredibly important that you remain patient, for any false move here could ruin all the hard work you have put into this dog via this effective tool.

By this, we mean that you should not admonish or punish the dog if you feel it is not learning or adapting quickly enough to the regimen. Doing so will essentially jeopardize any chance you had of getting to the end of the regimen with a behaviorally-improved dog.

Active abuse against a dog can only lead to trouble – a dog can’t really forgive you for hitting it.

Step 10: Removing the Cause

Of course, after all this, your dog might not even have needed correcting at all. In fact, it is just as likely that your dog might have been exhibiting so-called undesirable behavior as a result of an unavoidable cause.

Instead of immediately jumping to the use of a vibrational collar for the correction of a dog, it is always best to focus on a dog’s anxieties and worries. For example, why they are exhibiting the undesirable behavior in the first place?

It is kind of maniacal to instantly want to rewrite an animal’s behavioral patterns instead of trying to deal with whatever is causing them externally.

Ladrido final

So, there you have it! Hopefully, you are now feeling ready and able to get started with your own training!

FAQs How to Use Vibration Collar to Train Dog

Can you train a dog with a vibrating collar?

Indeed you can, though before you jump into attempting to rewrite the neural pathways of your pet, it would be worth investigating the root cause of the undesirable behaviors external to the dog. Very often, a dog will simply be reacting to external stimuli, in which case, rewriting the very nature of the dog seems wholly unnecessary, wouldn’t you say?

How do you train a dog to recall with a vibration collar?

The idea is that you associate something with the vibration, thus using the vibration to help the dog to recall or otherwise to root out an undesirable behavior. More often, though, it is just as effective and more humane to use treats for the same purpose.

How do you stop bad behavior with a vibration collar?

Stopping bad behavior with a vibration collar is typically done by strapping on such a collar to a dog and, after they have become used to it on their neck, activating the vibration whenever they are exhibiting the so-called bad behavior. Over a few days, the dog will begin to associate the unpleasant vibrational sensation with the act of whatever bad behavior they are committing.

Do vibration collars work for biting?

Indeed they do, though it might be worth investigating first what exactly the dog is reacting to when they are biting whatever they are biting. Very often, they might have a very real reason to be doing what they are doing.