Diarrhée du chiot la nuit - Qu'est-ce que cela signifie


If you have a new puppy, you are likely excited about all of the memories you will make with it. These pets are a fun addition to any family, but they come with many responsibilities. One of the responsibilities you have to consider with a new puppy is its health. From time to time, you may notice that your pet experiences bouts of diarrhea, leaving you unsure of what to do.

Diarrhea is only a minor symptom for puppies most of the time, so you do not need to worry. This article will help you determine when the problem is significant. It will also provide you with the recommendations you need for helping your dog. Keep reading to learn what to do the next time your puppy has diarrhea.

Millie, the Cocker Spaniel self-isolating during the Coronavirus outbreak.

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Puppy Diarrhea at Night

You and your family are likely excited about the new puppy you just brought home. You and your loved ones will quickly learn that this pet will come with many responsibilities.

When you own a puppy, you have to create a schedule to teach it to use the bathroom outside. You also have to train your pet about negative behavior patterns. These young puppies like to chew on everything. Sometimes, this behavior leads to the ingestion of foreign substances, which may cause diarrhea.

There are other reasons your puppy may experience diarrhea at night, including dietary allergies and stress. Sometimes, medical issues cause this symptom, so it is always best to call a veterinarian. This step is even more essential if your puppy has frequent diarrhea or it becomes worse.

Ton puppy may have several reasons why it experiences diarrhea, but there are also many ways to treat it. The treatments will depend on the reasons behind the symptoms, but you can start with the information provided in this article. Keep reading below to learn more about how to help your puppy with diarrhea.

short-haired white and brown puppy

Why Does My Puppy Have Diarrhea at Night?

There are several reasons why your puppy may experience diarrhea at night. It can be overwhelming for pet owners when this happens the first time. Though you do not need to worry most of the time, sometimes it is best to call the vet.

Dietary Changes

If you suddenly change your puppy’s food, it may experience diarrhea at night. If possible, slowly introduce your pet to the new product, mixing with the old for a short time. Do note that sometimes puppies experience diarrhea when transitioning to adult food after a certain age.

Puppy Diarrhea at Night_petsmao


Croyez-le ou non, puppies experience a range of emotions just like humans.

If your pet has anxiety when alone, they may experience diarrhea as a somatic symptom. Adjusting to any distress can physically show itself, just as is possible with humans.


If your puppy has nighttime diarrhea, it may be because it is sick. Your pet could have a bug or colitis. Sometimes, puppies develop irritable bowel syndrome, often a minor condition. If the diarrhea is consistent, you need to take your pet to a vet as it could have cancer.


If your puppy has parasites, it could develop nighttime diarrhea. These animals can get these parasitic infections from anywhere, including contaminated water. Your puppy could have roundworms, giardia, hookworms, or several other conditions that your vet will have to diagnose.

Allergies alimentaires

Puppies can develop food intolerances and allergies just like humans. These animals can become sensitive to grains, dairy products, and specific ingredients.

If a puppy eats the foods it is allergic to diarrhea may follow. This symptom is a response that the animal’s body will allow to get rid of the toxins.

Consumed Food

Puppies, as mentioned, like to chew on everything. They will get into anything they come across, including toxic foods for dogs.

You likely knew that puppies should not eat chocolate, but there are many other foods to consider. Do not give your pet grapes, caffeine, nourriture épicée, salt and vinegar chips or onions, for instance.

Effets secondaires des médicaments

If your puppy began a new medication, it may experience diarrhea. Antibiotics and deworming pills cause this symptom for at least a few days.

Your veterinarian should tell you about the side effects your pet may experience. Do not worry about diarrhea unless it becomes severe.

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Should You Worry About Your Puppy’s Diarrhea?

As mentioned in the causes above, it is rare for your puppy’s diarrhea to have a serious reason. It is a frightening experience for pet owners, but in most cases, it is minor.

If you notice that diarrhea continues for more than several days, you may want to reach out to your veterinarian. If the symptoms only last a short time but happen repeatedly, you should also contact professionals.

You may notice other symptoms that go along with your puppy’s diarrhea. They may start to become frantic or lethargic, depending on your pet. You may also notice that the puppy stops eating or drinking as much.

How Can You Help Your Puppy if It Has Diarrhea at Night?

If your puppy has diarrhea, it has a high chance of becoming dehydrated. This condition can lead to major complications. First and foremost, for this reason, you need to make sure your puppy consistently drinks water.

If your vet finds out that your puppy had an infection or illness, it may need to go to an animal hospital. It will spend a few days there, receiving antibiotic or antiviral regimens until it heals. Your puppy will also likely receive fluids through an IV.

If your dog’s diarrhea is due to a parasite, you need to talk to your veterinarian. Some of these infections are treatable at home, while others require surgery or intensive regimens.

What Do You Feed Your Puppy When It Has Diarrhea?

If your puppy has a bad case of diarrhea, you need to ensure it does not become sicker. Try to avoid giving your pet any food for at least 12 hours. You need to ensure that your puppy’s stomach does not continue trying to empty its contents.

Talk to your veterinarian if you are wary about keeping food away from your puppy for 12 hours. They will know if your pet is strong enough to withstand the fast. You do not want to do more harm than good.

After the 12 hours is over, try to introduce food slowly. If your puppy eats too much at once, it could experience diarrhea again. If possible, try to start with soft or bland foods.

Provide your puppy with cooked rice or canned pumpkin. You can also give it plain yogurt, eggs, and shredded chicken. Finally, some dog food manufacturers make foods specifically for stomach symptoms.

How Can You Prevent a Puppy’s Nighttime Diarrhea?

Most of the time, you can prevent your puppy’s case of nighttime diarrhea. Continue monitoring your pet for symptoms after following the below protocols.

  • Slowly introduce your puppy to a new food. Let its stomach get used to it.
  • If you have other pets, keep your home clean. Remove any fecal matter or urine after any accident.
  • Give your puppy proper vaccinations to prevent illnesses and specific parasites.
  • Keep your puppy away from any dog that does not have vaccinations.
  • Keep the lid on the trashcan closed.
  • Place all of your food on a high-up shelf or in a pantry with a closing door.
  • Provide your dog with a preventative treatment for parasitic infections.

Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea at Night?

Dogs get diarrhea at night for many of the same reasons that puppies do. the younger has less obvious signs, making it more difficult to notice.

If your dog is perfectly healthy, it will likely have diarrhea at some point in its life. You will need to consult a veterinarian if you notice that the symptoms do not stop or if there are additional problems.

Why Does My Senior Dog Have Diarrhea at Night?

A senior dog can also experience diarrhea for many of the same reasons that puppies can. When these animals become older, they may lose part of their bodily controls. Even humans experience bowel leaks or more frequent diarrhea when they begin to become elderly.

Your senior dog’s uncontrollable bowel movements are more likely to happen at night. When your pet gets tired, it will not have the same concentration required throughout the day. If the problem seems to get worse, do not be afraid to contact your veterinarian to be safe.

How Can I Help My Dog With Nighttime Diarrhea?

Your dog may experience diarrhea at night if you suddenly changed its food. It could also have this symptom because of a difference in treats. You do not want your pet to be in shock, which is what leads to diarrhea, so introduce the new food items gradually.

If your dog started a new medication, check with your veterinarian about the potential side effects. Check the back of the box of any over-the-counter substances you began giving your pet. Stop any regimen if it seems that any of the side effects get worse over time.

Help Your Puppy with Nighttime Diarrhea

If your puppy experiences diarrhea, you do not need to immediately worry. Call your veterinarian right away if the symptoms continually become progressively worse.

Most of the time, your puppy’s diarrhea is due to a minor stomach bug or something it ate. To remove these toxins, make your pet fast for 12 hours, re-introducing bland foods after.

Even if you have an adult dog, you do not need to worry about diarrhea. They experience this symptom for many of the same reasons that puppies do. You can also treat diarrhea in the same manner.

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Puppy Diarrhea at Night – FAQs

What Do You Do if Your Dog Has Diarrhea at Night?

If your dog has diarrhea at night, you need to first monitor the situation. Most of the time, the symptom is no cause for concern. Your dog may have a minor food allergy, or its stomach may not agree with something it ate.
If diarrhea seems to get worse over time, you need to contact a veterinarian. These professionals will go through a process of elimination to determine the cause of your dog’s diarrhea.
While you wait for diarrhea to subside, you should limit your pet’s food for at least 12 hours. After the fast is over, provide bland meals that your dog can easily digest.

Is It Normal For Puppies to Have Runny Diarrhea?

Puppies can have runny diarrhea for many of the same reasons that adult dogs can. It is a common symptom in these young pets, and most of the time, it goes away quickly.
Sometimes, puppies have a gastrointestinal infection from bacteria or a virus. Your veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic or an antiviral to try to help get rid of the toxins. The infection will, in most cases, go away in no time.
Always remember that puppies do not have a fully-functioning immune system. They are more likely to catch these bugs and viruses, so you must do all you can to protect them.

What Can I Give My Puppy to Stop Her Diarrhea?

The best thing you can give your puppy when it experiences diarrhea is water. Even minor bouts of this symptom can lead to dehydration, and you do not want the problem to become worse.
When your puppy’s diarrhea begins, you will want to make it fast for at least 12 hours. This process will help to remove the toxins that are in your pet’s gastrointestinal tract.
After the 12 hours are over, you need to give your puppy bland foods so that it can work back up an appetite. Provide t pumpkin puree or cooked potatoes, sweet or yellow. You can also give the puppy high-protein options like shredded chicken.

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