Are Bernedoodles Hypoallergenic?


Are you on the hunt for the best dog given the allergies you or someone else in your household has to deal with?  Perhaps you’ve heard a lot about what a great pet a Bernedoodle can make.  They can be great with children and are very intelligent. Bernedoodles also stay loyal to those they love and love to play.  But, do Bernedoodles shed?  Will they irritate allergies or asthma?  Continue reading, and we’ll answer the question, “are Bernedoodles hypoallergenic?”

are bernedoodles hypoallergenic

Table of Contents

What is a Hypoallergenic Dog?

A hypoallergenic dog is a dog breed that is less likely to cause allergy symptoms.  Hypoallergenic dogs don’t shed, or shed very minimally. This makes them a good choice for individuals who are allergic to dog hair.

However, if you’re asking if Bernedoodles are hypoallergenic, if Aussiedoodles are hypoallergenic, or if Pomskies are hypoallergenic, the answer is that no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic.  

Even breeds that don’t shed could still cause allergic reactions.  This is due to the fact that people can also be allergic to saliva, urine, or dander, rather than solely pet hair.

How Hypoallergenic are Bernedoodles?

So, are Bernedoodles shed free?  Can I be allergic to my Bernedoodle?  The answer is that it depends.

Bernedoodles are a hybrid breed that is the result of mixing a Bernese Mountain Dog with a Poodle.  While Poodles are non-shedding hypoallergenic dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs are not.  They have a long and straight coat that sheds pretty regularly.

The specific genes that a Bernedoodle puppy inherits will impact whether its shedding, or lack thereof, will be more similar to its Poodle parent or Bernese Mountain Dog parent.

hugging a bernedoodle pup

How to Choose a Hypoallergenic Bernedoodle

You may feel lost wondering what is the most hypoallergenic Bernedoodle.  Are mini Bernedoodles hypoallergenic?  The size of a Bernedoodle isn’t the best indication of whether they will be hypoallergenic or not.

Rather, if you want to know what is the most hypoallergenic Bernedoodle, you should pay attention to their coat.  Bernedoodles with a very curly coat are the least likely to shed.  A wavy coat on a Bernedoodle also doesn’t shed much. A Bernedoodle with this coat type may be a good choice for those dealing with allergies.  Straighter coats that more closely resemble the Bernese Mountain Dog’s coat, on the other hand, will shed the most.  The breeder you’re working with can help you select a Bernedoodle that is the least likely to trigger allergies.

You can also consider which generation the Bernedoodle is in.  Some ask, “are F1 Bernedoodles hypoallergenic?”  F1 indicates a first generation Bernedoodle.  F1 Bernedoodles may be hypoallergenic. However, choosing an F1BB Bernedoodle will give you the greatest chance of adopting a dog that won’t irritate your allergies.  F1BB Bernedoodles are 87.5% Poodle and 12.5% Bernese Mountain Dog.  The higher Poodle percentage makes it much less likely for these dogs to shed.

Bernedoodles and Allergies

If you or someone in your household has allergies, a Bernedoodle could be a good dog for you.  As we shared earlier, choosing a Bernedoodle with the highest Poodle percentage in its genetic make-up may be the way to go. This will make it more likely that the dog will turn out to be hypoallergenic.  However, remember that no dog is completely allergy-free.  Even with dogs who don’t shed, some individuals can still be allergic to the pup’s saliva, urine, or dander.  

curly bernedoodle


Are Bernedoodles high maintenance?

Bernedoodles can be considered a high maintenance breed.  They require a good deal of exercise due to their higher energy levels.  Additionally, Bernedoodles require more grooming than many other dog breeds.  You’ll need to stay on top of brushing their coat on a regular basis. This will help keep it from getting matted or causing pain or discomfort for your pup.