Can Dogs Eat Olives? Is it safe for dogs to eat olives?


Olives are a famously controversial food- some people love them, whilst others despise them. But is the same true for dogs? Should dogs be eating olives at all?

Can dogs eat olives?_Walkies and Whiskers

The consensus is that yes, dogs can eat olives. Olives themselves are not poisonous or harmful to dogs in any way, if given in very small amounts. However, it is not guaranteed that your dog will like olives. Dogs are curious eaters and will happily dig into almost anything you put in front of them. This can be a pain, as they can often chew through things that were definitely not meant for them, but also means they can sometimes share from our plates. But, as with humans, olives can be a love/hate food for dogs. Many dogs don’t actually like the taste of olives at all, so don’t be too surprised or disappointed if your dog decides that olives aren’t for them.

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How many olives are too many?

In addition to this, it is always important to limit the number of olives you allow your dog to chew through. One or two olives a month can be more than enough to keep your dog happy and healthy, as olives are high in fat levels. The large salt content of olives can also dehydrate your dog so it is best to make sure that your furry friend has access to water if they’ve been eating olives. You can also help out by ensuring that you remove the pits from olives that you feed to your dog as these can crack dogs’ teeth or even cause them to choke.

In addition to this, it is always important to limit the number of olives you allow your dog to chew through. One or two olives a month can be more than enough to keep your dog happy and healthy, as olives are high in fat levels. The large salt content of olives can also dehydrate your dog so it is best to make sure that your furry friend has access to water if they’ve been eating olives. You can also help out by ensuring that you remove the pits from olives that you feed to your dog as these can crack dogs’ teeth or even cause them to choke.

But are there benefits to feeding your dog olives? Yes, there can be. Olives are rich in vitamins A, E, and K and also have many antioxidants. Your dog can also benefit from the natural oil of olives as this is good for their coats, making them silky and shiny.

Can dogs eat olives safely?

Black olives vs green olives

Though there are over 2000 varieties of olives grown all over the world, the most common are black and green. Generally speaking, there is little nutritional difference between black olives and green olives- green olives have a slightly higher sodium content but this is not significant enough to choose one over the other. Perhaps the biggest difference is the taste; some people may like black olives but not green, or vice versa. And this can also be the case for dogs. It is just as safe to feed your dog black olives as it is green, so long as you moderate their intake, but your dog may express a preference for one over the other.

Dangers of olives

The best way to feed your dog olives, and work out their preferences, is to feed them a little bit to start with and gauge their reaction. This can also be helpful because your dog might be allergic to olives. It is also possible for dogs to develop food allergies, the same way that humans do, so your dog may develop an allergy to olives, even if they did not have one before.

Symptoms of a food allergy in dogs can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Upset stomach
  • Rash and/or itchy skin
Can dogs eat olives?_Walkies and Whiskers

Salt poisoning

Eating too many olives can also cause salt poisoning in your dog, which can be very dangerous and even fatal.

Symptoms of salt poisoning include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Seizures
  • Confusion
  • Change in behaviour

If you believe your dog may have suffered an allergic reaction to olives or consumed a dangerous amount of olives, then it is important that you take them to the vets as soon as possible. Your vet will be able to take the best course of action for your dog.

Overall, fresh olives are safe for most dogs in small portions. If your dog enjoys olives, then they can be a tasty treat every once in a while. There are no significant differences in the nutritional benefits of green and black olives, but your dog may express a preference regarding the taste. Additionally, if you are ever unsure about what is and is not safe to feed to your dog then it is always best to consult your vet, who knows your dog best.


How many olives can dogs eat?

Dogs can eat as many olives as you let them- but you should make sure that they are only consuming a couple of olives on the rare occasion.

Can animals eat black olives?

Animals, and dogs in particular, certainly can eat black olives and they can enjoy them just as much as green olives!

Can dogs eat unripe olives?

Again, dogs can eat just about anything. But it is best to ensure that any olives you might be feeding to your dog are ripe.